SaundersBest Magazine Fall Winter 2020 Edition

The SaundersBest Magazine Fall Winter 2020 Edition is here! We look forward twice a year to the release of each issue and it never disappoints. In this issue, you’ll find homes featured from Boca Grande to Sarasota, and everything in between!

SaundersBest Magazine Fall Winter 2020 Edition

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic began to take its toll on Americans, and others around the world, the idea and definition of HOME has come to be more important than possibly ever before. On the upside, it has reminded us to focus on what matters most. People all over have taken steps to make sure home really is where the heart is.

Like so many of our neighbors around the globe – for us at Michael Saunders & Company – it has been a period of great adjustment.

As real estate was deemed to be an “essential service,” we took the necessary precautions mandated by government guidelines to keep our people and customers safe. It changed the way we did and continue to do business.

Although we remain encouraged by the strong demand in our market – what we are most proud of is how our agents responded to the pandemic and safely took care of our customers and our community.  They worked hard to provide sound guidance to customers while also lending a hand in feeding our healthcare heroes across the community – helping many local restaurants as a result.

Our Focus on Home

Inside this edition, we focus on our connections – to one another, to our community, and to our homes. We welcome new neighbors – as we’ll continue to do into 2021 with more opting to work remotely in our tropical location.

Several articles to take note of include “Serene spots” and “Six to savor” where we explore the places our spirits find peace despite challenge – whether that means taking a meditative walk or enjoying some good old-fashioned comfort food.

We are incredibly proud of our community and our agents.  Reminding us again that our business – above all – is about connecting and building relationships.

Please enjoy the virtual edition of SaundersBest below. You can pick up a physical copy by visiting the office in Boca Grande, or by calling Carol Stewart: 941.964.2000.

SaundersBest Magazine Fall Winter 2020 Edition


Please be sure to contact Carol Stewart when you are ready to take a look at property in or around Boca Grande, FL. If you have not yet joined the newsletter, you can do so below. You’ll receive weekly updates on the real estate market and valuable information. Unsubscribe at any time with the click of a button. We protect your information.

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